Architect. Engineer.

Architect. Engineer.
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About Me

I'm more of a show rather than tell person.

I like to build cool things and I also enjoy getting work done.

💻 Tech Enthusiast from the Start

First computer: a Compaq Presario 5000, sparking a lifelong passion for technology. Took it apart 10+ times, igniting curiosity about how tech works. Witnessed the incredible evolution of tech over 20 years, pre dot-com bust.

🏗️ Diverse Professional Journey

8 years in construction and 5 years in finance, but always connected to tech. Successfully ran a full-service remodeling business, contracting with major clients like The Home Depot, Lowes, JP Morgan, Amazon, and more. Personally managed over 600 projects, generating $6M+ in revenue.

🚀 Entrepreneurial Spirit

Started four businesses before launching a successful construction venture. Tried diverse fields: photography, web development, trash removal, furniture repair, and more. All Failed.

📈 Current Role

Lead Consultant for a Thriving Trading Community. Built and managed a trading group of 2,000+ members. Sold in 2023 for just under $2M with a team of five admins.

Check it out 👉

☁️ Re-discovering Tech Passion

My cloud journey should’ve started a decade ago, but college + jobs + bills = survival mode. Now, self-educating with certifications, books, and projects—and loving every second of it. Spending 10–14 hours daily diving into cloud, and it doesn’t even feel like work.

🔮 Going Forward

Featuring projects in cloud optimization, machine learning, and security protocols. Explore case studies, walkthroughs, and my ever-growing GitHub repo. I make mistakes, learn, adapt, and share—it’s all part of the process.

The Stack!
Tech Stack Showcase

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